Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Amado or Amando?


By the way, Dad, Amando is “loving” :)  But actually thank you for the letter. It really helped me. I realized that the Lord really does bless me for my service. In a way, when I read it, it felt like the Lord was saying thank you. It felt really good. Then to top that off, the devotional last night was amazing. It wasn’t recorded either because Glenn L. Pace of the Seventy shared some extremely sacred experiences with us. The Spirit was so strong. It was so awesome, the stuff he talked about. He said that everything was prompted of him by the Spirit to share. And that was really cool. But he talked about the pre-existence and how we made covenants with the people that we would teach in our missions. And to be honest, I had been worried that something would happen and I would get really sick and wouldn’t be able to finish my mission. But I felt so comforted after that. It was awesome. The Spirit was so strong and it just felt like someone had their hands on my shoulders. It was cool.

I do leave on the 4th, but I don’t know when yet. I get my final plans sometime this next week, so I will tell you asap. We actually do not have a Honduras class, but there are teachers here who have served there. I’ll find out the answers to your questions asap.

I think that’s awesome about Cameron though. Dang – I wish I could hang with him sometimes. He is a great kid. Too bad he can’t be over for the phone call cuz he’s pretty much family!! Tell the Munden’s I said that God does have a plan for them and when times are hard, the best thing to do is turn to the Savior. And that times of trouble will strengthen them more than they can see now. They are always in my prayers.

Now to my favorite part . . . I have enclosed within this letter another, which is to Kyle Eutenier. This week I met another elder who my companion was talking to at the temple. And come to find out, he is from Honduras!! It was cool because he said he is the only one of his friends to go on a mission. He is learning English and is pretty good at it. I felt prompted to ask him if he knew Kyle. It was cool cuz he just went off on it. He was like “Oh my gosh, Elder Eutenier?! He was like my best friend.”

He was excited, haha, and his English started to get all jumbled. But it was cool, so we took pictures together and I am sending them to Kyle through you. And get me his address ASAP because Elder Flores wants his address really bad. So I would appreciate that.

Love you guys so much!! Miss you too!
Su hijo, les Amo, (Your son, I love you,)
Elder Cameron Brooks

¡¡Quieran que ustedes tengan felices!! (I hope you are happy!!!)
¡¡y escríbanme mas por favor!! (Write me more please!!!)

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